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Sunday 22 May 2011

Love & Small Business

Since returning from Ghana I’ve had absolutely no desire to blog.  I apologize to the few people consistently reading, but you can’t force these things.

I’ve been metaphorically comparing running a small business to the way my Dad reflected on marriage:  “If people knew how hard it was going to be going into it, they’d never do it.  But it’s still a beautiful and rewarding thing.” 

People told me starting a business would be hard, but I didn’t really understand what that meant, nor did I care.  I was/am like starry-eyed aspiring music journalist William Miller in the movie Almost Famous.  Experienced and slightly jaded music critic Lester Bangs evaluates the fresh meat and advises his passion-pursuing protege:  “You should just turn around and go be a lawyer or something….but I can tell by your face that you’re not going to do that.” 

I am more in my element than ever.  This is what I was born to do…but man, it’s hard as sh*&t!!  We’re talking 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Beans for every meal, paying for cups of coffee with nickels and pennies, spending nights on airport lounge chairs…  But would I have it any other way?  Absolutely not.  I have never once thought “I can’t do this,” but rather, “how can I do this?”  In contrast, every single day of my corporate job I thought: “I can’t do this for one more day.”

Synopsis of the past two months:

A photoshoot:

A launch party:

A pop-up shop with Harper Poe of Proud Mary and Julianna Vezzetti:

A showing in San Francisco:

A donation to Muhummud Yunus’s Grameen:

A debut at Brooklyn's Artists & Fleas:

A flurry of press:

Refinery29 (Leila Brillson)

NBC's The Feast (Kelly O'Reilly)

Treehugger (Emma Grady)

EcoSalon (Abigail Doan)

Ecouterre (Kestrel Jenkins)


For gooodness sake buy something!  Or tell someone who can! I gotta eat more beans! 

<3 <3 <3